22-24 November 2024 - Leonardo Hotel, Milton Keynes

The Mascots

Why does HotaruCon have Mascots?

Like many great events before us we wanted to capture the essence of the convention in characters that we feel represent us. Hikari, Hoshi and Firefly together make up the HotaruCon mascots, each with their own unique look and disposition.

You’ll find them featured on our your con badges, our social media and even fanart!

Click the preview to see larger versions of the artwork on our Instagram ✨

Who are the Mascots?

Hikari (She/her) HotaruCon MascotHikari (She/Her)
She is the go-getter of our 3 mascots. She's excitable and the most likely to trip over her own feet.
Hoshi (They/them) HotaruCon MascotHoshi (They/Them)
They are the most dependable of our mascots. If you need something doing or if you just need support, they’ve got your back.
Firefly (He/him) HotaruCon Mascot FIrefly (He/Him)
He is our namesake mascot and a mischievous ball of fur in both forms. If something’s amiss, he’s probably not far behind.