22-24 November 2024 - Leonardo Hotel, Milton Keynes

The Committee

Why did you start HotaruCon?

I remember well the wide-eyed awe of my first ever anime convention. I’d read the DramaCon manga and a group of us went all the way to Otakon, back when it was in Baltimore in the US. I came back to the UK doodling mascots on napkins and dreaming of what it would be like if we had something like that in the UK. Good news… we did!

I sat in the back of my mum’s car as she drove us to Southampton, taking silly photos of my friends and imagining what this new event was going to be like. Since then, I’ve made lifelong friends, had unforgettable experiences and now it’s your turn.

The committee of HotaruCon have come together to keep that spark of magic going. We have endeavoured to create a space that is inclusive, accessible, diverse and supportive. A space where you can learn and grow and shine.

We hope you enjoy the array of events and activities we’ve put together for you at this little event of ours, we're so happy you're here


Who are the committee?

Charlie (Chair)
Charlie’s first convention was Otakon in 2007 after reading the manga DramaCon and starting her own convention has been a dream ever since. She’s become a familiar face at UK conventions in the dealers room, events halls and cosplay masquerades and always in the thick of things. You can find her on TikTok and Instagram under @streetangelcosplay

Kai (Vice Chair & Cosplay Liaison)
Kai’s been attending cons and cosplaying since 2009. Starting at MCM then branching out to anime conventions, he’s probably best known for his character skits in Cosplay Chess and throwing a sword offstage, nearly taking out the tech crew, as Prince Cornelius. You may also have peeped him in a gay bar on Eastenders once or twice. He has been the Hotarucon MC since our first Hotarucon and we wonder what new anecdote we will get this year.

Elizabeth (Safety Officer)
Elizabeth isn’t just your average convention attendee or gopher. After attending events without finding a stall that felt like it was ‘for her’, she started her own business and is a regular warm and welcome face in many a convention’s Dealers Hall. She brings to the team an abundance of knowledge within the community as well as experience dealing with diverse scenarios and issues that can occur at events.

Bex (Secretary)
AKA: Lady Bexington of Beans "The Secretary of Dreams, Sparkles and Filet o Fish" - her own words
We found BexiBeans in a cardboard box outside a pet shop marked "free please take". She was the last one left and we accepted we were in for a high maintenance ride with her. Occasionally we let her out to go and play organizer at other shows and events. One time we lost her for so long that we had to leave trails of jellybeans from every McDonald's in the vicinity in the hopes of finding her. We found her asleep outside a Starbucks with a filet o fish box for a hat and now we don't let her out without an airtag.

Mennat (Gopher Mama)
Mennat’s a crazy geek who discovered anime at a young age but didn’t know what it actually was until much later. At uni tales of con-like events were regaled and she made it a mission to attend and still continues to do so! Her main love lies in manga and light novels, and she try to game when life permits.

Fraser (Bring & Buy Officer)
Often found behind a table at conventions across the country and initially brought into the fold to help run the Bring & Buy. Attempts at fleeing the chants of "COMMITTEE! COMMITTEE! COMMITTEE!" weren't successful enough in years 1 and 2, maybe this time he'll get lucky...He didn't and is now officially a committee member for Hotarucon 3. Fraser is also one of the key committee members in helping our charity auction run smoothly.