22-24 November 2024 - Leonardo Hotel, Milton Keynes

FAQs: The Firefly Factor

What equipment is provided?

We will be providing AV equipment which includes hand held microphones, we are unable to provide head mics/hands free mics at this time. We will also have stage lighting and audio equipment but will need to be told/provided with any specific music/audio. Any other staging or performance specific equipment eg; poles, backdrop/set, props etc would need to be provided by the performer/s

How long does my performance have to be?

We suggest a length of at least a minute and up to roughly 3 minutes per performance. There can be some wiggle room as we are aware some acts that are using songs can sometimes be using tracks that last slightly over.

Is there a maximum group size?

As with the masquerade due to stage sizing our max group size is 6

What is the stage size/shape?

The stage is a 6m x 3m rectangle and accessed by a 4ft wide ramp that supports light weight vehicles.

Are there any limitations to what we can perform?

Only your imagination and also, if in costume, the rules shown in our guidelines that can be found via the cosplay page.

Also due to the nature of this event it is assumed that all performances are conducted in the greatest personal care and considerate of both the performer/s safety and those of others in attendance. (For example, please don’t set anything on fire as part of an act or consider stage diving). If you have any concerns or wish to check anything feel free to email Kai the Cosplay Liaison to discuss or any other member of the committee.

If you anticipate needing any help getting your act or yourself to the stage, let us know in the extra requirements section and also feel free to contact the cosplay liaison via email if this also links to scheduling within the lineup.

Will I be judged?

The firefly factor is a friendly competition with fun prizes to be won however if you do not wish to be considered for a prize email Kai the Cosplay Liaison. know and the judges will be informed not to judge the performance and just enjoy it.

Can I take photographs or film during the show?/Will there be photography or filming during the show?

Photography and videos will be allowed throughout the firefly factor. By taking part you will be giving consent for these images to be taken.

Is adult humour and content allowed?

As we are an 18+ con such content is allowed however a warning may be given in the introduction for those who may not be comfortable with the content for personal reasons and please be considerate if something may be deemed offensive as we reserve the right to decline such acts. If you wish to check feel free to email Kai the Cosplay Liaison to discuss.

Can I use the MC, Audience or judges within my performance?

In the most part yes depending on what way you wish to involve them, this would be discussed on a by performance basis once the application has come through. Feel free to email Kai the Cosplay Liaison to discuss.

I have another question I can't find the answer to...

Feel free to email Kai the Cosplay Liaison about any other questions.